On efficiency and scientific support

There are 82 doctoral dissertations written on reality therapy identified between 1970 and 1990 (Franklin, M, (1993); Eighty-two Reality therapy doctoral dissertations written between 1970. and 1990, Journal of Reality Therapy, 11(2), 76-82). Of course, this number has eventually been redoubled.


In the book ‘Reality Therapy for the 21st Century’ author Robert E. Wubbolding (2000) claims that principles of Choice Theory and RT are multicultural and applicable in many areas. He presents research studies in relation to health, human needs, addiction, drug abuse in prison, juvenile offenders recidivism, domestic violence, corrections, humour, depression, arthritis, self concept, self-esteem, locus of control, minority groups, deaf population, management, organizational behaviour, quality education, self-concept, at-risk students, etc.


There is an article with review on efficiency: “Choice Theory and Reality Therapy: Perceptions of Efficacy”, Mary E. Watson and Caley B. Arzamarski, 2011. Available at:



The International Journal of Reality Therapy, Vol.17 No1, has published Reality Therapy: A Meta-Analysis”. This study examined quantitatively the effectiveness of RT across 21 empirical studies. The authors, Lisa Radke, Marty Sapp, Walter C. Farrell concluded that although the study used also inexperienced therapists and some brief treatments RT has an average effect size within the medium range.


In the new journal The International Journal of Choice Theory (Vol.1 2006) is published article “A Meta-Analysis of Reality Therapy and Choice Theory Group Programs for Self-Esteem and Locus of Control in Korea” by Rose Inza Kim and MiGu Hwang. This study comprises 43 studies conducted in Korea between 1986 and 2006 on Reality Therapy and Choice Theory group programs in terms of their effects on participants’ self-esteem and locus of control. Comparing the counterpart control group with the groups under study the latter scored 23% higher of ‘self-esteem’ and 28% higher on ‘locus of control’.