CT/RT in working with people with disabilities

The Effects of Reality Therapy Group Counseling on the Self- Determination of Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Lawrence, Daniel H., 2004.


Self – evaluation children and youth with disturbances in behavior during institutional treatment, Žižak, Antonija; Koller – Trbović, Nivex; Brusić, Roberta, 1993.



Choice theory: An investigation of the treatment effects of a choice theory protocol on students identified as having a behavioral or emotional disability on measures of anxiety, depression, locus of control and self-esteem, Scott D. Reeder, 2012.



The Use of Reality Therapy with Disabled Students and the Attainment of Competitive Employment: A Survey of 87 graduates from 1992-1998, Robert Renna, Peter Kimball, Joseph Brescia, Joseph O’Connor, 1999.


Autism Spectrum Disorders/Learning To Listen As We Shape Behaviours: Blending Choice theory with Applied Behavioural Analysis, International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Vol.23 No2



Multiple Sclerosis and Choice Theory, International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, Vol.20 No1
